3月21日,方正县档案馆派2名工作人员深入方正县侨乡历史文化研究学会,与乡土作家郭相声协商,征集了二战时期日本开拓团遗孤档案资料(2016年10月日文版)3册。全书记载了日本开拓团当年向大东北侵略,殖民南满、北满时期的部分移民名单,共1 337人,1 337页。每页详细记载了每名遗孤的中国名字、出生日期、在中国和回日本后的照
March 21, Founder County Archives sent two staff in-depth study of history and culture of Founder County Hometown Association of Overseas Chinese, and native writer Guo Xiangsheng consulted World War II Japan open mission orphan files (October 2016 Japanese version) 3 book. The book chronicles the list of some immigrants to Japanese aggression in the Great Northeastern region, the South Manchurian colonization and the North Manchurian Empire in that year, totaling 1 337 people and 1,337 pages. Each page details the Chinese name of each orphans, date of birth, in China and back to Japan according to the photos