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北京机电设备修理改造行业协会日前召开年会,就1997年设备修理行业的发展趋势、修理价格的走势、修理行业的服务承诺等问题进行了研讨。 关于1997年设备修理行业的发展趋势,会议认为,由于1996年中央经济工作会议进一步强调要搞好国有大中型企业,实施两个根本转变,在银行两次调低利率等一系列政策措施的引导下,整个经济环境有可能变得较为宽松。随着企业改革的进一步深化,会有更多企业将设备修理等辅助性部门剥离出来,而将设备修理变为社会化的经济活动,使设备维修市场的供、需进一步扩大,市场趋于活跃。北京市作为全国设备维修市场管理试点之一,在即将成立的市设备维修市场管理试点领导小组的领导和各有关部门的通力合作下,将在社会化、专业化、规范化方面得到进一步的发展和提高。 关于修理价格的走势,会议认为,由于设备维修市场总的看来是供过于求以及钢材等原材料价格的下降,修理价格总的趋势也将是稳中有降。经过多年的探索和实践,一个适合市场需求的修理改造价格体系正在形成。北 The Beijing Electromechanical Equipment Repair and Transformation Industry Association held its annual meeting and discussed the development trend of the equipment repair industry in 1997, the trend of repair prices, and the service commitments of the repair industry. Regarding the development trend of the equipment repair industry in 1997, the meeting held that since the 1996 Central Economic Work Conference further emphasized the need to do a good job for state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises, implement two fundamental changes, and guide the series of policy measures such as lowering interest rates at the bank twice. Under the circumstances, the entire economic environment may become more relaxed. With the further deepening of corporate reforms, more companies will spin out auxiliary components such as equipment repairs, turn equipment repairs into socialized economic activities, and further expand the supply and demand of the equipment maintenance market and the market will become more active. . As one of the pilots of the national equipment maintenance market management, Beijing will be further developed in terms of socialization, specialization, and standardization under the leadership of the leading group for the pilot of the equipment maintenance market management to be established and the cooperation of all relevant departments. improve. With regard to the trend of repairing prices, the meeting held that due to the oversupply of the equipment maintenance market as a whole and the decline in the prices of raw materials such as steel, the general trend of repair prices will also be stable. After years of exploration and practice, a system of repairs and transformations that are suitable for market needs is being formed. north
一、近一年多来建筑机械设备管理工作回顾(略) 二、当前面临的形势和1997年的建筑机械设备管理工作 1997年是不平凡的一年,香港回归祖国和党的十五大召开是党和国家政治生活
一、韩国的概况 韩国面积10万平方公里(朝鲜22万平方公里),是多山地区,人口3900万人(全朝鲜6449万人)山地加高原占3/4左右,森林面积占73%,南韩自然资源是贫乏的,全部是朝鲜族