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最近,建筑技术杂志社召开了“创名牌期刊座谈会”,邀请《建筑技术》和《建筑工人》两本期刊的在京部分作者、读者代表,建筑界、出版界专家,有关行政管理部门领导,共商创名牌期刊大计。座谈会由本社社长兼总编彭圣浩主持。中宣部出版局副局长宋镇铃、新闻出版署期刊司司长蔡健光、国家科委信息司副司长陈松生、建设部建筑业司副司长吴之乃、北京市建委总工程师林寿、北京建工集团董事长张兴、北京市新闻出版局副局长马欣、北京市科委副主任黄正豫、中国期刊协会副会长丁乃刚等出席了会议并发言。本社副社长许庆相、副总编兼《建筑技术》主编徐家和,《建筑工人》主编傅温以及全体编辑参加了座谈会。现将部分发言摘要刊登如下。 Recently, Building Technology Magazine held the “Creating a Famous Journal Forum”, inviting some authors and readers of the “Architecture Technology” and “Construction Workers” journals in Beijing, experts from the construction industry and publishing circles, and leaders of relevant administrative departments. To jointly create a major brand plan. The forum was presided over by Peng Shenghao, president and chief editor of the headquarters. Song Zhenling, deputy director of the publishing department of the Central Propaganda Department, Cai Jianguang, director of the periodical department of the Press and Publication Administration, Chen Songsheng, deputy director of the Information Department of the State Science and Technology Commission, Wu Zhinai, deputy director of the Construction Industry Department of the Ministry of Construction, and Lin Shou, chief engineer of the Beijing Municipal Construction Commission, and Beijing Construction Engineering Zhang Xing, chairman of the Group, Ma Xin, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Press and Publication Bureau, Huang Zhengyu, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, and Ding Naigang, vice president of the China Journal Association attended the meeting and delivered speeches. Xu Qingxiang, deputy director of the Society, Xu Jianhe, deputy editor-in-chief and editor-in-chief of “Architecture Technology”, and Fu Wen, editor-in-chief of “Construction Workers”, attended the forum. A summary of some of the speeches is published below.
盼望是一个引人遐想的美丽的词汇,它像我心中永不幻灭的彩虹,像蝴蝶纷飞的花丛,寄寓着我最美好的渴望。而我对“他们”的盼望,也在年龄的增长中如野草般疯长。 The hope is
提出了中国企业对外直接投资区位选择的策略思考,在具体行为上要与产业相结合,注重效益分析,只有这样才能获得更多的收益。 Put forward the strategic thinking of the loc