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图片上的两位演员想来读者并不陌生,近年来他们在坚守话剧舞台的同时还跻身于影视,在银屏幕上创造出许多栩栩如生的艺术形象。郑邦玉在电视连续剧《四世同堂》中扮演大少爷瑞宣;林达信在《家》《春》《秋》中扮演大少爷觉新。由于这两位演员像貌相似,表演中气质相近,创造的角色时代背景和人物性格也有些相同,因此许多观众常把他们“合二而一”,以为他们是一个人。有的观众明明看到字幕上写着觉新的扮演者是林达信,还固执地认为林达信乃是郑邦玉的化名;有的为了争论他们是不是一个人,吵得面红耳赤,争得激烈时一家人竟分成几派;更有甚者,还有人为此事打起睹来,然后写信到中央电视台要求帮助仲裁,以求胜负。 The two actors in the picture are not strangers to readers. In recent years, they have adhered to the arena of theatrical scene while still making their way to film and television to create many lifelike artistic images on the silver screen. Zheng Bangyu plays the role of grandchildren in the television series “Four Generations”. Lindsay plays the role of master and young master in “Spring” and “Autumn”. Since these two actors are similar in appearance, similar temperament in the performance, and created the same role background and character, many viewers often think of them as “one in two” and think they are one person. Some viewers clearly see the caption that the new actor is Linda Xin, but also stubbornly believe that Linda is the pseudonyms of Zheng Bangyu; some in order to debate whether they are not a person, fights fiercely, fierce when a family Actually divided into several groups; What is more, there are people who started to see it, and then wrote to the CCTV to help arbitration in order to win.
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