去年曾有这样一则消息:在一省会城市,某打工仔不幸遭毒蛇咬伤,生命危在旦夕,然而全市所有医院竟找不到救治这种蛇伤的特效药!令人可嘉的是,老板慷慨解囊,花10万元钱包租一架飞机,将病人送到另一城市抢救,患者终于获得新生。 这事看来似乎令人觉得不可思议,但事实确实如此。医药流通中的这种现象确令人感到担忧:一边是价格昂贵的所谓新药特药改良配方药越来越多,一边却是那些常规的、价廉物美的药物在急剧
Last year there was such a message: In a provincial capital city, a wage earner was bitten by a poisonous snake and his life was in danger. However, all the hospitals in the city could not find any cure for this snakebolt! What is commendable is that the boss Generosity, spend 10 million purse to rent an aircraft, the patient was sent to another city for rescue, the patient finally get a freshman. This may seem incredible, but the fact is true. This phenomenon in the circulation of medicine is indeed cause for concern: one side is more and more expensive so-called new drugs, while the regular, cheap drugs are rapidly