【摘 要】
【机 构】
航天医学工程研究所重力生理学实验室 北京100094
Objective To observe the changes of phosphorylation of ERK1 / 2 in soleus after simulated tail loss in rats. Methods The tail suspension rats were used to simulate the effects of weightlessness. The total ERK1 / 2 and the phosphorylation status in the soleus were measured by Western blot. Results The total ERK1 / 2 level in the soleus muscle of rats did not change after simulated weightlessness on the 7th and 14th tail suspensions. The ERK1 phosphorylation state after 7d and 14d simulated weightlessness were significantly reduced. The phosphorylation status of ERK2 decreased significantly after 7 days, but it did not reach significance after 14 days tail suspension. CONCLUSIONS: The tail-hang simulation can decrease the phosphorylation of ERK1 / 2 in the soleus after simulated weightlessness.
《Minerals & Metallurgical Processing》1989年8月号发表了J.B.Hiskey等人的文章。该文研究了用树脂氰化浸出方法处理难处理碳质金矿的效率,并与直接氰化法作了比较。矿样
第一步:切入话题,交代课题 同学们,今天我们一起来学习宋代女词人李清照的一首词《一剪梅》。 上学期,我们学过了她的一首词《声声慢》,对她的词风有了一定的了解。来,现在让我们一起回忆一下吧! 她的词非常有特点,多以表达个人性情为主题,特别是由于她不同阶段的生活经历决定了她不同时期的感情倾向,从而形成了她独特的创作风格,后人把她的这类言情的词作称为“易安体”了。 我想,这位杰出的天才女性,在词
A few CT-based voxel phantoms were produced to investigate the sensitivity of Monte Carlo simulations of X-ray beam and electron beam to the proportions of elem
1 阳极泥脱硒方法阳极泥浸出后的滤饼,在高温、受控氧化、硫酸化条件下焙烧脱硒。过程反应如下:
1 anode slime selenium method anode slime cake after leaching, at hig
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本文收集1998-01~2003-10在我院行CT检查发现的69例腰椎椎体后缘软骨结节(lumbar posteriorm arginal cartilagi-nous node,LPMN)作一分析,并就其发病机制、CT表现和诊断命名