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古时天学家仰观星象,“著于图录”,今人称之为“星图”,这是古人为反映、辨识星空的实际景象而作。而一些古墓墓顶、壁画或画像砖上也常可见到星象图案,则仅有象征意义或装饰意义,考古学家谓之“星象图”,未可与星图等量齐观。 古代中国的天文星占之学,曾分为不同门派,各有承传。据现今所见史料,有三大派:石氏,战国时魏国的石申(又作石申父);甘民,齐国的甘德,其人可能一直活动到秦汉之际;巫咸,其人在传说中的年代皆被远溯至殷商或更早,但从归于其名下的恒星数据推算,年代却又晚于石、甘二氏的数据数百年。三家所占的恒星各不相同,这些恒星的名称、位置坐标和对应的占辞,幸有唐代瞿昙悉达编撰的《开元占经》于卷六十五至七十中详加搜录,得以流传至今。计有石氏632星,甘氏506星,巫咸144星;再加上二十八宿环带中的182星,共1464颗恒星(另有一颗不属任何一家的孤星“神宫”未计入)。但是并未传下三家各自的原始星图。 三家星径一星图承传史上的关键人 In ancient times, astronomers looked at the astrological signs, “On the Catalog of Pictures,” which people today call “star charts,” which is made by the ancients for reflecting and identifying the actual situation of the stars. Some cemetery tomb, fresco or portrait brick often see the star pattern, the only symbolic or decorative meaning, archeologists said the “astrology” can not be the same amount with the star map. Astrology of ancient astronomy in China, has been divided into different sects, each inheritance. According to the historical materials we see today, there are three major factions: Shi, Shishen of Wei State during the Warring States period (also the father of Shi Shen); Gandhi of Gan Min and Qi State, who may have been moving to the Qin and Han dynasties; Wuxian People are traced back to Shang or earlier in the legendary years, but from the stellar data attributed to them, they were later than Shi and Gan's figures for hundreds of years. The three stars occupy different places. The names, location coordinates and corresponding occupying stars of these stars are fortunate to have been collected in the sixty-seventy-seventy-six volumes of “Kaiyuan Zengjing” , To be circulated so far. There are 632 stars, 506 stars, 144 stars and 152 stars in the 28 ring, a total of 1464 stars (and another one is not any of the Lone Star “Jingu” not included ). But did not pass under the three original original chart. Three Star Trails Star chart legendary history of the key people
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目的 :通过实验研制出稳定的、有效的盐酸环丙沙星滴耳液。方法 :采用加速破坏的方法筛选处方 ,用紫外分光光度法测定含量并进行初步稳定性考察、毒理学试验、体外抑菌试验。
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Background: Imiquimod is a modifier of the immune response that has been prov en to be an effective treatment for basal cell carcinoma (BCC). However, its mec h