龟纹瓢虫 Propylaea japonica(Thunberg)分布范围广,江西各县和我国25个省市区均有分布;其幼虫、成虫能捕食棉蚜、棉铃虫、小造桥虫、玉米螟等害虫卵以及幼虫(若虫);在赣北棉田其发生数量较大;因此是很有研究价值的棉花害虫天敌。为了对其进行合理的保护利用,作者于1979~1981年在本所(赣北洲地)利用20瓦黑光灯诱集,定田定期调查以及室内饲养等办法对龟纹瓢虫变型及种群消长进行了观察。现将主要结果整理报告于后供参考。一、龟纹瓢虫的变型及占比例
Propylaea japonica (Thunberg) is widely distributed in all counties in Jiangxi and 25 provinces in China. Its larvae and adults can predate pests eggs such as cotton aphid, cotton bollworm, Larvae (nymphs); its occurrence in cotton fields in northern Jiangxi is relatively large; therefore, it is a natural enemy of cotton pests with great research value. In order to provide reasonable protection and utilization, the authors used the 20-watt black light trap, regular field trial and indoor rearing in our institute (in northern Jiangxi province) from 1979 to 1981 to study the variation and population growth of the ladybug Observed. Now the main results of finishing the report for reference later. First, the variation and proportion of molasse ladybug