答:金莲花为金莲花科,金莲花属多年生攀援状草本花卉。因其叶形如碗莲,花色金黄而得名。又因其旱生于陆地,故又名旱金莲。 金莲花常用播种繁殖,也可进行嫩枝扦插。播种一般在9月份进行,在气温18℃-22℃条件下,播后保证湿度,约7-10天发芽出苗(播种前最好用清水将种子浸泡一天,使种皮变软后再播)。幼苗长出2-3片真叶时即可分栽上盆,在幼苗期每隔2周浇施一次稀薄饼肥水。开花期间停施氮肥,改施磷肥,每半月施一次0.5%的过磷酸钙。每次施肥后要注意松土,改善盆土的通气状况,以利根系发育。金莲花喜湿润、怕水
A: Trollius Trollius, Trollius is a perennial climbing herb flowers. Because of its leaf shape, such as bowl lotus, golden color named. Because of its drought in the land, it is also known as nasturtium. Trollius commonly used for planting and breeding, but also for softwood cutting. Seeding generally carried out in September, at a temperature of 18 ℃ -22 ℃ conditions, after sowing to ensure humidity, about 7-10 days sprouting emergence (before sowing the seeds soaked with water for one day so that the seed coat softened and then sowing) . Seedlings grow 2-3 pieces of true leaves can be planted on the pot, in the seedling every 2 weeks pouring once thin pancake water. During the flowering stop nitrogen fertilizer, change the phosphate fertilizer, every half month once a 0.5% superphosphate. After each fertilization should pay attention to loosening soil to improve the aeration situation, in order to facilitate root development. Nastalgia hi moist, afraid of water