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一般来说,小儿活泼、好动甚至顽皮,都是孩子的天性。但是,不少家长见孩子上课思想不集中、课上做小动作或作业敷衍了事、成绩不佳而认为孩子得了多动症,到处求医问药。但是调查结果表明,真正的多动症只占其中1/3,其他2/3的儿童都是属于贪玩或者缺乏学习兴趣。孩子顽皮好动与多动症有本质的区别,区别在于以下几点: In general, children lively, nimble and even naughty, are children’s nature. However, many parents see their children do not concentrate in class thinking, doing little tricks or assignments in class, and failing to achieve satisfactory results. They think that their children have been given ADHD. However, the survey results show that only 3% of the patients have ADHD, while 2/3 of the other children are either fun or lacking in learning interest. Playful and naughty children with ADHD have essential differences, the difference is that the following:
遗传学因果推断题是运用遗传学原理或思想方法,根据一系列生命现象或事实,通过分析、推理、判断等思维活动对相关的遗传学问题进行解决的一类题型。该题型具有难度大,考查功能强等特点。据考查目的,可将其分为五大类。    1.推断基因座位及遗传方式     【例1】已知果蝇的红眼和白眼是一对相对性状(红眼W、白眼w),且雌雄果蝇均有红眼和白眼类型  (1)现有若干红眼和白眼的雌雄果蝇,若用一次交配实验即可证