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我们的学生在应试教育的环境下思维难免会有些僵固,课改之后我们的学校和教师采取了很多创新、适应学生素质全面提高的教学方式,把课堂交还给学生、以学生为主体,然而填鸭式教学模式依旧有很大一部分存在于语文的课堂教学中,一是学生没有自己批判的思维能力,二是扼杀了学生的创造性思维。培养思维能力尤其是批判性思维能力和创造性思维能力对于学生们的素质以及语文素养提高具有非常重大的意义,通过语文课堂中辩论训练的方式培养学生批判性思维与创造性思维是一个可行有效的方式。 Our students will inevitably experience some rigidity in the environment of exam-oriented education. After the curriculum reform, our schools and teachers have taken a lot of innovations to adapt to the overall improvement of students’ teaching methods, returning classes to students and students as the main body. However, There is still a large part of cramming teaching mode exists in the language classroom teaching, first, students do not have their own critical thinking ability, and second, strangling students’ creative thinking. To develop thinking ability, especially critical thinking ability and creative thinking ability is of great significance to improving the quality of students and their language literacy. It is a feasible and effective way to train students’ critical thinking and creative thinking through the way of debating training in Chinese class .
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