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  It’s been an awful year on social media. Filtering didn’t help. I left Twitter a week ago and haven’t looked back.
  Can’t decide yet who won—the trolls or me. It’s still too soon to tell. All I know is that it’s been a week so far since I bailed on Twitter and I feel fine.
  I love social media. I hate social media. You too? Over the years, I’ve been perpetually readjusting my relationship with it, working hard to avoid the creep of saturation2. I’m not on Snapchat or LinkedIn either.3 You couldn’t drag me into a comments section.
  And then there’s Twitter.
  When you work at home, Twitter makes for an excellent water cooler4. I have for years skated by on the illusion that the bright, witty, passionately engaged people I follow there are somehow my colleagues, the friends I can make daily conversation with about politics and television and health.
  I have even been lucky enough to make a few offline friends and work contacts through it, one of whom I’m going out for beers with tonight, in fact. If you come to Twitter because you like smart people who can also make you laugh, you will not be disappointed. And it’s free! The only cost is a steady stream of crap from the worst dregs5 of humanity.
  I got on Twitter in the spring of 2008. I don’t recall how soon afterward I was first called an ugly bitch, but to my recollection it took a while. Sure, every now and then there’d be an unpleasant mention in my feed or aggressively unsolicited feedback from an opinionated egg avatar.6 But I never seriously reconsidered my presence until a few years later, when I wrote a magazine story that negatively referenced a well-known media misogynist7.
  Within moments I was getting death threats—as in, I’ll come to your house and murder you. I had been in the thick of a crowd at a concert at the time the responses started pouring in, and I remember being overwhelmed with a feeling of paranoid8 dread. Suddenly, it felt as if anyone in that throng could be someone who actively wanted to hurt me. And not just me, I hasten to mention. When you look through a troll’s timeline, you rarely see a single focused target. Nope, trolls often spew in all directions like lawns sprinkler of vomit. Usually cloaked in their anonymity (although sometimes emboldened to keep it real),9 Twitter’s dedicated trolls yell at strangers all day like it’s their job. Even when I got into a perfectly civilized disagreement with a male public figure, a swarm of his supporters swiftly smelled a fight and descended to tell me to die.   Over the years I’ve been monitoring Twitter’s troll problem, because Twitter’s troll problem hasn’t improved. I’ve watched other people—most frequently female—face harrowing10 threats to their safety. I’ve followed the crap that Feminist Frequency’s Anita Sarkeesian has endured for openly talking about sexism in the gaming world. I watched when tech editor Holly Brockwell had to temporarily disable her account “due to the number of creepy, abusive threats she got, mainly from men” after she wrote a story about not wanting to have children.
  I’ve also allowed my hopes to rise when it seemed like Twitter might be taking serious strides toward rectifying its abuse issues and removing the worst offenders,11 and when public officials have recognized that threatening someone online is still known, in legal circles as, threatening someone.
  But this has been a year to drain12 a person’s optimism. Lately actress Leslie Jones went through such an outrageously ugly torrent of disgusting racist abuse that she briefly left Twitter—right at the height of an otherwise peak moment in her career. At least she got to turn her whole fiasco—which included a hacking of her site—into an Emmy joke, telling the representatives from Ernst
目标太高,屡次失败  从小到大,女儿的学习成绩一直不错,总是在班上名列前茅。但自从升入某省级示范高中后,因为班里尖子生云集,她一下子成了中等生。也难怪,学霸太多,因为一分之差,成绩排位就可能落后十几名。  女儿一直很要强,从不服输。她跟我说,不进入年级前50名绝不罢休。她屡战屡败,却又不肯轻易放弃。为了实现目标,她不断给自己加压,而且不断延长学习时间,熬夜成了家常便饭。  期末考试成绩出来后,女儿
党的十九大报告指出:“广泛开展全民健身活动,加快推进体育強国建设,筹办好北京冬奥会、冬残奥会。”  为了贯彻落实党的十九大报告精神,加快推进体育强国建设,2019年《政府工作报告》提出:“广泛开展全民健身活动。扎实做好2020年奥运会、残奥会备战工作,精心筹办北京冬奥会、冬残奥会,办好第七届世界军人运动会。”  党中央、国务院为什么如此重视加快体育强国建设?《国务院关于加快发展体育产业促进体育消费
在各种“潜见”盛行的时代,正确理解乡镇的处境,重新认识乡镇政权,显得极为重要。对中国基层乡镇和农民现状的忧虑不能压倒理性的判断,否则,事物就会像面团一样,被随意捏造。    由于多年来各种媒体的不实报道和片面宣传,更容易让外界联想到这样一幅画面:群体性事件接二连三,层出不穷,地方乡镇政府疲于应对,根本无暇顾及其他事务。实际上,这是一种“被夸大的苦难”。另外,有相当一部分社会公众与部分学者都持有一种
最近,一个年近10岁的“好孩子”在网上走红。据了解,一网友吐槽他10岁的小侄子,不仅学习成绩非常优秀,奥数、围棋、轮滑等也都出类拔萃。但是这个小家伙却毫不客气地说,他爸妈不配有他这么好的儿子!同学都用iphone7,自己只有电话手表。他甚至还用一句话总结道:“我努力优秀,就是为了能早日脱离无能无知的原生家庭。”  此帖一出,网上一片哗然。对于学霸男孩的言论,网友们纷纷站队。有人说,孩子小小年纪就能
近几年,儿童白血病的发病率有升高趋势。调查资料表明:白血病的总发病率占肿瘤总发病率的第9位;1~14岁少年儿童白血病发病及死亡率占同年龄肿瘤发病率及死亡率的第1位;15~45岁青少年及成年人白血病发病率占同年龄肿瘤发病率的第3位。为什么白血病偏爱找孩子呢?  科学家通过研究认为,白血病是机体易感性与环境相互作用的结果:一是食品污染。现在市场上销售的食品,很多没有经过正规检测,造成了一些含有大量癌症
我女儿现在上初一,进入了青春期了。为了更好地为她“服务”,去年9月,我参加了女儿学校举办的为期一个月的“家长课堂”讲座。讲座让我深受教育。我归纳了几点父母教育青春期孩子应注意的问题,与大家共勉。  让“邻家的小明”彻底消失  家长课堂上,一位老师跟我们讲了这样一件事:他曾经以“学生最讨厌家长说的十句话是什么?”做调查,结果令他大吃一惊,有足足70%的学生用不同的笔迹表达了一个相同意见,那就是最讨厌
Percy Jones is a very successful African American banker. Right now, we find him preparing a party to celebrate his 25th wedding anniversary and renew his vow of love to his wife Marilyn. His musician
问:随着生活水平的提高,有些家长感到自己以前生活不富裕,现在不能再让孩子受苦,于是对孩子有求必应,要星星不给月亮,比如我和我老公。结果,孩子日益骄横。周围人当面说我们是“女儿奴”,背后直摇头。  我们是爱孩子的,想让孩子好,全心付出却适得其反。请问,我们怎么做才对呢?  晓敏  答:有个牧场主,让孩子每天在牧场辛苦工作。朋友对他说:“你不需要让孩子如此辛苦,农作物一样会长得很好的。”牧场主回答:“
女儿“病”了?  那天中午,同事刚进办公室就满脸惊讶地问我:“你怎么还在这儿?孩子病了都不着急!”孩子病了?同事没意识到我的疑惑,继续大嗓门地叨唠:“刚才我在路上遇到你家娟娟,小脸儿煞白,你这当妈的居然还在这儿迷糊……”  遇到娟娟?我请假下楼,边走边疑惑:娟娟哪儿不舒服?怎么没跟我说?老师也没告诉我?一连串的问号在我脑中盘旋时,手机响了,是娟娟的班主任。班主任说:“娟娟妈妈,孩子都病三天了,我以
找寻了很久,终于为儿子豆豆定下了幼儿园。离入园时间仅剩一周的时候,我带豆豆去适应。  “试园”从蹭饭开始  第一天去幼儿园是傍晚,老师刚送走小朋友们,整个幼儿园一下子安静下来。夕阳的余晖掠过大树,在旁边的小木屋顶抹上一层金辉,让幼儿园显得安静、祥和。  “妈妈,这儿真漂亮!快看,还有喷泉呢!”不远处的流水声引得豆豆欢呼。其实那不是喷泉,只不过豆豆看到各式流动的水,都将之命名为“喷泉”。  循声而来