唐代名医孙思邈集唐以前医药学之大成,深入民间,防病治病,贡献卓著,很受广大劳动人民爱戴,被人民尊称为“药王”。本文仅就孙氏在药物学与方剂学上的成就略作研讨。 药物学成就 孙氏数十年不辞辛劳,爬山涉水,采药制药,摸索和总结了许多宝贵的药物学经验,此外,还继承了唐以前本草学知识,对《神农本草经》、《药录纂要》、《本草经集注》、《药对》、《新修本草》等本草专著的理论进行了研究、整理和汲收,对本草学作出了较大的贡献。
In the Tang Dynasty, the famous doctor Sun Sijun made a great contribution to medicine before the Tang Dynasty and went deep into the people to prevent and cure diseases. He made great contributions and was greatly loved by the working people. He was honored by the people as the “king of drugs.” This article only discusses Sun’s achievements in pharmacology and prescriptions. Achievements in Pharmacology Dr. Sun has worked tirelessly for decades, climbed mountains and wading, collected herbs, and explored and summed up many valuable pharmacological experiences. In addition, he inherited the knowledge of herbal medicine before the Tang Dynasty, and published the “Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing” and “Pharmaceutical Record”. The theory of Materia Medica monographs such as Essentials, Herbal Collections, Drug Pairs, and Newly Revised Materia Medica has been studied, collated and collected to make a greater contribution to the study of herbal medicine.