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宜良四區永新、西山、蓬萊、浦泉四個鄉,在春節前和三月初的兩次分配鬥爭勝利果實當中,發現了一些問題及偏向,值得提供各地參考研究。(一)對分配果實應有的認識。首先必須明確:鬥爭果實是廣大農民向地主階級開展鬥爭後,地主、惡霸賠償農民的血汗錢,因此,必須嚴格保管,及時地分配給廣大受剝削的農民,不能允許任何人貪污浪費。四個鄉的鬥爭勝利果實,由於事先比較注意到保管問題,一般地沒出大岔子,但由於對村幹部教育不夠,少數村子的個別村幹部仍有私自拿小東西的事情發生。其次、還必須明確:分配果實乃是鞏固勝利,提高農民階級覺悟鬥爭情緒;進一步地發動羣眾,繼續向地主階級開展鬥爭的一個重要環節。因此,就必須傾聽羣眾意見,主動地領導羣眾及時分配。只有及時分配了鬥 In the four townships of Yiliang, Yongxin, Xishan, Penglai and Puquan, some problems and tendencies were found in the fruit of the victory of the two distribution campaigns before the Spring Festival and in early March, and it is worth to provide reference and research around the world. (A) of the distribution of fruit should be understanding. First of all, we must make it clear that if the fruits of the struggle are the result of the struggle carried out by the broad masses of peasants to the landlord class, the landowners and bullies will compensate peasants for their hard-earned money. Therefore, they must be strictly safeguarded and distributed to the vast majority of exploited peasants in a timely manner and no one should be allowed to embezzle waste. The triumph of the struggles in the four townships generally did not make any major difference because they noticed the issue of custody in advance. However, due to the insufficient education of village cadres, the individual village cadres of a few villages still had something private to take a small thing. Second, we must also make it clear that the distribution of fruits is an important part of consolidating the victory and raising the consciousness of struggles among the peasantry. We must further mobilize the masses and continue to wage struggles against the landlord class. Therefore, we must listen to the views of the masses and take the initiative in leading the masses in a timely manner. Only the timely distribution of the bucket
敦煌莫高窟:敦者,盛大也;煌者,辉煌也;莫高窟,即大漠高处盛大辉煌的洞窟。1900年5月 26日,在这里发现了一处“藏经洞”。洞内藏有从公元4世纪到公元14世纪10个世纪的各种历史文本、绢画和刺绣等
从入海口沿着碧波粼粼的泰晤士河逆流而上,航行约90公里,便来到了我向往已久的英国首都——伦敦。 和其他外国游客一样,我把白金汉宫当作首选参观之地。始建于1703年的白金
有人说,景宁是“浙江的西藏”,无非是说这里天高地厚。要知道,西藏是由那磅礴雄浑的山脉构成了她的身躯,艰难悠远的历程铸就了她沉雄而苍凉的历史,是无与伦比的。 然而当我跋涉在