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吃蛋炒饭是一个充满惊喜的过程,你会在咀嚼中感受到鸡蛋的绵软、米粒的圆润、葱花的香浓……每一口都有不同的滋味。家里人都喜欢我做的蛋炒饭。我做蛋炒饭有独到之处,供大家参考:一、水和米的比例适当是做好蛋炒饭的第一步。米饭太软或太硬都不适合。米饭太软,软塌塌的像是在吃浆糊;米饭太硬,孩子不易咀嚼和消化。我用电饭煲蒸米饭:250克大米加水400克,软硬度刚刚好。要注意的是:新大米吃水少,陈大米吃水多。二、有人说:必须用“隔夜饭”才能炒出好吃的炒饭。 Egg fried rice is a process full of surprises, you will feel in the chewing soft eggs, rice, mellow, green onion flavor ... ... each have a different taste. Family people like my fried egg. I have a unique fried rice for your reference: First, the proportion of water and rice properly is the first step to making fried egg. Rice is too soft or too hard are not suitable. Rice is too soft, soft collapsed like eating paste; rice is too hard, the child is not easy to chew and digest. I use rice cooker steamed rice: 250 grams of rice 400 grams of water, hardness just right. It should be noted that: new rice less draft, Chen rice draft. Second, someone said: Must use “overnight meal ” in order to speculate delicious fried rice.
在小学阅读教学中,教师根据课文的重点内容,为学生创设有利于他们理解文本的情境,使学生如身临其境。这不仅能影响学生的认知心理,而且能激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生在其中观察、体验、思考、想象。与此同时,学生语言和文字的表达能力也会随之提升。如何在阅读教学中进行情境的创设呢?笔者谈谈自己的想法。  一、精巧设问,创设问题情境  首先,利用好引言的诱导性。好的开端是成功的一半,针对小学生的特点,引言力求生动
期望是一种教育力量,教师对后进的学生寄予真诚和热情,让后进生在老师的期待中进步。 Expectations are an educational force, and teachers put forward sincerity and en