一、概述费约果(Feijoa sellowiana Berg)属桃金娘科的常绿果树,原产于南美洲的乌拉圭、巴拉圭、巴西和阿根廷的山野,是适应于半热带性气候的灌木.法国1890年从乌拉圭引入该树种,种植在东南沿岸的里维埃拉地方.美国1900年从法国引入,种植在加州.以后,斯里兰卡、印度支那半岛也进行栽培.新西兰20世纪引入,现在以DSIR研究所为中心从实生苗中选择新品种,有做为出口水果的迅速扩大栽培的趋势.日本分别于1931~1932年、1934年从美国引入“库丽菊”等几个品种,但只是做为观赏果树,1979~1980年
I. Overview Feijoa sellowiana Berg is an evergreen fruit tree of the Myrtaceae family native to Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil and the mountains of Argentina in South America and is a shrub adapted to a semi-tropical climate. Introduced from Uruguay and planted in the southeastern Riviera, the United States was introduced from France and planted in California in 1900. Later, Sri Lanka and Indo-China Peninsula were also cultivated.New Zealand was introduced in the 20th century and is now led by the DSIR Institute The center selects new varieties from seedlings and has the trend of rapid expansion cultivation of exported fruits.Japan introduced several varieties of “Culichrysum” from the United States in 1931-1932 and 1934, respectively, but only as ornamental fruit trees , 1979 ~ 1980