“超越器械”,是指运动员在投掷助跑的最后阶段,下肢运动快于上肢,髋关节快于肩关节,整个身体移动的速度快于器械移动的速度,使器械落后于身体,取得较长的工作距离,形成最有利的最后用力姿势。 在投掷项目中,器械飞行的远度主要取决于器械出手的初速度和出手角度。器械出手的初速度,是指人体运动作用于器械之力,使器械得以飞进的速度。在适宜的角度下,器械获得的初速度越大,飞行得越远。测定表明,器械出手的初速度15%~20%来源于助跑,80%~85%来源于最后用力。所以说最后用力是决定器械出手初速度的主要技术环节。根据公式:V=s/t,我们得知,同样大小的作用力,如果工作距离越长,用力
“Beyond equipment” refers to the athletes in the final stage of throwing the run, lower extremity faster than the upper extremities, hip faster than the shoulder joint, the whole body moving faster than the speed of movement of equipment, the instrument behind the body, get longer Working distance, forming the most favorable last effort posture. In the throwing project, the distance the instrument is flying depends primarily on the initial velocity and angle of the shot. The initial velocity of the device shot refers to the speed of the human body exercising on the force of the device so that the device can fly in. From a suitable perspective, the greater the initial velocity of the instrument, the farther it will fly. Measurement shows that the beginning speed of equipment shot 15% ~ 20% from the run, 80% ~ 85% from the last force. So the last force is to determine the initial technical speed of the device shot the main technical aspects. According to the formula: V = s / t, we have learned that the same size of the force, if the working distance, the force