李福根 1 940年生 ,1 96 5年毕业于北京师大地理系 ,先后担任教师、校长等职 ,现任新疆建设兵团一中顾问 ,1 988年被评为特级教师 ,2 0 0 1年被聘为石河子大学客座教授。目前兼任中国教育学会地理教育研究会理事 ,新疆地理学会副理事长、新疆教育学会常务理事等职。他长期从
Li Fugen, born in 1940, graduated from Department of Geography, Beijing Normal University in 1965 and successively held the post of teacher and principal. He is currently a consultant of the Xinjiang Construction Corps and was appointed as a teacher in 1988. He was hired in 2001 Shihezi University Visiting Professor. At present, he concurrently serves as director of the Institute of Geography and Education of China Education Society, vice chairman of Xinjiang Geographical Society and standing director of Xinjiang Institute of Education. He has long been from