
来源 :成都考古研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:robinjwj
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一、引言南北朝时期是我国佛教史上重要的发展阶段,这期间,佛教作为一种独立的宗教已广泛地被中国社会所接受,并得到了普及和发展,可以说是佛教传人后,作为一种独立的宗教形式,不依附于其他任何形式而发展的第一个高峰期。文献上反映,这期间南北均出现了大量的寺庙和造像,但由于南北朝双方政治上长期分裂,地域文化上的区别,以及与印度、西域等佛教原产地和传播中转站间的交通差别等诸多原因,使南北朝佛教产生了一些差异,佛教造像也有明显的不同。北朝造像发现较多,研究也很深入。南朝 I. Introduction The Northern and Southern Dynasties period was an important stage of development in the history of Buddhism in our country. During this period, Buddhism, as an independent religion, had been widely accepted by Chinese society and popularized and developed. It can be said that as a successor to Buddhism, Independent religious forms do not depend on any other form and development of the first peak. The literature shows that during this period, there were a large number of temples and statues in both North and South. However, due to the long-term political split between the North and South Koreas, the differences between regions and cultures, as well as the traffic differences with the originating countries of Buddhism in India and the Western Regions and the transit stations The reason is that some differences have taken place in Buddhism in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and Buddhist statues also have obvious differences. Northern Dynasties statues found more research is also in-depth. Southern
在日常生活中,我经常遇到一些奇人,他们或有常人不及的各种特别技能,或有超强的禀赋,能忍受常人所不能忍耐的生活条件。至少,在我看来是无法忍耐和承受的。  这些人中,最让我感叹的是我家楼下菜市里一家“黄山饼店”的老板,他和妻子一起经营着半条街的早餐。店里卖的面食品种包括烙饼、窝头、咸甜花卷、大小馒头以及各种荞麦面馍和糖肉包子。在我的印象中,小两口,特别是男的,基本没一分钟停止过干活。早晨七点路过,他正