在医疗和科研机构或是在市场上,没有谁可以吃老本或者是“皇帝的女儿不愁嫁”,所以在美国的环境里,处处可以感受到快速的节奏和激烈的竞争。 我所在的医院是有较高医疗水平的著名医院,与Tufts大学医学院有密切的关系。我在的一年中就举办了多次不同内容的学习班,出席有来自美国各地的医师,他们都是自费前来的,听课、讨论和观看技术演示都是十分地认真。这些经历也是对医师们工作考核的内容之一。这是要求医师必须
In medical and scientific research institutions or in the market, no one can eat old books or “the emperor’s daughter does not marry”, so in the American environment, everywhere can feel the rapid pace and fierce competition. My hospital is a famous hospital with a high medical standard and has a close relationship with Tufts University Medical School. In the past year, I have organized many different content classes. I have attended doctors from all over the United States. They come at their own expense. The lectures, discussions, and technical demonstrations are all very serious. These experiences are also part of the assessment of the work of physicians. This is a requirement for physicians must