针对半导体发光二极管 (LED)出光效率低下的问题 ,提出了一个在LED顶部引入周期性微结构的新设想。根据这一设想 ,采用简单的微加工技术研制成功带有环形槽微结构的圆台形InGaAlP量子阱LED。结果表明 ,这种新型LED在竖直方向的出射光强比不带微结构的LED有明显增强。这一成功为改进发光二极管的出光效率提供了新的途径
Aiming at the problem of poor light-emitting efficiency of semiconductor light-emitting diode (LED), a new concept of introducing periodic microstructure into the top of LED is proposed. According to this idea, the successful development of a truncated InGaAlP quantum well LED with annular groove microstructure using simple micromachining techniques. The results show that the new LED in the vertical direction of the light intensity than the non-microstructure of the LED has significantly enhanced. This success provides a new way to improve the light-emitting efficiency of light-emitting diodes