
来源 :现代预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuwumalan
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[目的]通过对一起学校肺结核病疫情的处理,研讨在学校中预防和控制肺结核病的综合措施。[方法]发现肺结核病例后,对与病例学生密切接触的师生进行胸部X线摄影检查和结核菌素试验,在全校开展健康教育,同时以因症就诊和主动发现措施在该校持续进行病人发现工作。[结果]病例班普查发现1名涂阴病例,该班结素试验强阳性率明显高于同年级其他班;持续监测1年期间,以因症就诊方式发现初治涂阴病例2名,普查方式发现初治涂阳病例2名。[结论]结防机构与学校应密切配合,及时对出现肺结核病例的学校进行调查处理,强化健康教育以提高师生结核病防治知识和及时就诊意识;对与传染源肺结核病例有密切接触的师生应落实日检、因病缺勤病因追查工作,同时进行适当频度的结核病主动筛查及时发现肺结核病例以控制结核病在学校的流行。 [Objective] To discuss the comprehensive measures to prevent and control tuberculosis in school through the treatment of a school’s outbreak of tuberculosis. [Methods] After the pulmonary tuberculosis cases were found, the teachers and students who had close contact with the case students were given chest X-ray photography and tuberculin test. Health education was carried out in the whole school. At the same time, patients were continuously treated in the school for symptom seeking and active finding Find work. [Results] A case of smear-negative cases was found in the case census. The strong positive rate of this class test was significantly higher than that of other classes in the same grade. During the one-year continuous monitoring, 2 cases of newly diagnosed smear-negative cases were found by means of symptomatic treatment, Two cases of newly diagnosed smear-positive cases were found. [Conclusion] The prevention and treatment institutions should cooperate closely with the school, timely investigate and deal with the cases of tuberculosis cases, strengthen health education to improve TB prevention knowledge and timely treatment awareness of teachers and students, and have close contact with TB cases of infectious diseases Should implement the daily inspection, the cause of absence due to illness tracing work, and the appropriate frequency of active screening of tuberculosis in time to detect cases of tuberculosis in order to control the prevalence of tuberculosis in schools.