The Status and Trend of Chinese Auto EC

来源 :China Auto | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:juhaixu
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As a new information industry, E-commerce is becoming a new growth point of economy, and changing the development of traditional industries such as the auto industry. E-commerce would ultimately bring it profound changes. Therefore, many countries are employing E-commerce to impel the development of the auto industry rapidly. As the final large market, China has to keep up with the trend of global auto development. If we did not explore and establish E-commerce actively, with WTO coming, we As a new information industry, E-commerce is becoming a new growth point of economy, and changing the development of traditional industries such as the auto industry. E-commerce would ultimately bring it profound changes. Therefore, many countries are employing E-commerce As the final large market, China has to keep up with the trend of global auto development. If we did not explore and establish E-commerce actively, with WTO coming, we
●处理器频率》2.53GHz●处理器二级缓存》6MB●主板芯片组》Intel PM45●显卡》NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT,512MB显存●光驱》DVD Super Multi刻录光驱,支持光雕技术●屏幕分
通过对我国古代徒手体操的沿革进行分析和研究,拟探讨古代徒手体操在各历史时期的特点和发展规律。 Through the analysis and research on the evolution of the ancient h
若要给2004年的中国广告业走势定一个基调,我们认为应该是国民经济运行态势良好直接推动广告市场健康发展。 广告市场与宏观经济走势息息相关。从当前的国民经济各行业发展
△9月9日傍晚,湖南省保靖县水坪镇马尾村,一名3岁男孩在床上玩火引起火灾。使56户、275人受灾,共烧毁房屋197间、粮食18万余kg、家禽204只,损失折款近50万元。 △9月11日晚,