红船引航 勇立潮头——中国共产党在浙江的96年

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从南湖红船扬帆起航的那一刻起,中国共产党驾驶着这艘红船,已经驶过了96年的历程。在中国共产党的领导下,96年里,神州大地风云激荡,钱江两岸沧海桑田,浙江儿女在极富传奇色彩的“中国故事”中,挥就了瑰丽华彩的一章。回首往事,我们唏嘘,我们赞叹;展望未来,我们期待,我们向往。 From the moment the sail of the South Lake Red Vessel sails, the Chinese Communist Party has been driving this red ship for 96 years. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, in 1996, the vast land of China was stirring up and the children and children of Zhejiang across the Qianjiang River shook with a magnificent chapter in the legendary “Chinese Story.” Looking back, we sigh, we praise; Looking to the future, we look forward to, we aspire.
目的:初步探讨大解毒颗粒对体表感染性疾病的抗感染机理及其作用机制。   方法:(1)采用体外抑菌实验(平皿扩散法)测定对创面常见致病微生物(革兰氏阳性的金黄色葡萄球菌、溶