It has been previously reported that when HREM was used to study the initial oxidation of copper, it was found that Cu_2O, Cu_2O and Cu_2O were lower than that of Cu_2O prior to the formation of Cu_2O. This paper reports a further copper suboxide Cu_ (64) O which is lower in oxygen content than Cu_8O. It exists in the storage of copper powder for many years, but also in the air heated copper powder generated. Observed with JEM-200CX, electron diffraction confirmed that this crystal is B-center orthogonal structure. Through the structural model design and dynamic diffraction theory calculation, the positions of 128 Cu atoms and 2 oxygen atoms contained in the unit cell of Cu 64 Cu crystal were determined by the comparison between the simulated image and observation. Figure 1 shows the Cu_ (64) O crystal structure and the relationship between the parent Cu. Thick line drawn Cu_ (64) O unit cell lattice constant a =