这个题目太吓人? “死抱住文学不肯放手的人”在本世纪三十年代是很不名誉的人,是屡受左翼文坛批判的“第三种人”。那么你为何在艾煊头上扣上这顶帽子呢?其实,在这里仅不过是一种“借用”。借用来形容当代的一批人,倒并非想为艾煊所“独占”。我有这种想法是在1978年。其时刚粉碎“四人帮”,江苏省作家协会开始恢复活动。第一次会员大会是在南京杨公井的江苏饭店内举行。艾煊是主持这次会议的“头儿”。陆文夫、高晓声、方之、叶至诚、梅汝凯、陈椿年……当然还有许多其他的作协会员。虽不是戴了二十二年才摘帽的人,但在文革中也多少受到各种冲击。再一想,还有不少不能出席的会员;有的是属“非自然死
This topic is too scary? “Dead clinging to literature refused to let go” in the 1930s is a very unworthy person, is often criticized by the left-wing literary criticism, “the third person.” So why did you put the hat on Ai Qiao? In fact, here is but a “borrow.” Borrowing to describe a group of contemporary people, it is not intended to “monopolize” Ai Ai. I have this idea in 1978. At that time, the Gang of Four was smashed and the Jiangsu Writers Association began to resume activities. The first member meeting was held in Nanjing, Jiangsu Yang Gongjing Hotel. Ai Xuan is the “head” who presided over this meeting. Lu Wenfu, Gao Xiaosheng, Fang Zhi, Ye Zhicheng, Mei Ru Kai, Chen Chunnian ... Of course, there are many other members of the Association. Although it was not the person who had taken the cap for 22 years, he was somewhat affected by the Cultural Revolution. Another thought, there are many members can not attend; some are "non-natural death