问:我的宝宝3个月了,医生检查说“小儿舌系过短”,请问什么时候做手术最合适?焦作李欣答:该手术很简单,越早做越好。否则要影响孩子语言的发音。问:6个月的宝宝过早学站立是否会影响腿型发育?新疆张炜答:一般来讲,发育正常的宝宝,在7个月左右就会扶着床栏杆站立了,倘若是孩子自己试着站立不必阻拦,说明孩子发育好。但是,如果孩子较弱,一定等孩子身体强壮起来,孩子有要求站立时,再学习站立。否则过早的站立对孩子的下肢有影响。问:我的儿子88天了,大便总是绿色,这是为什么? 大连韩竹答:不知您的孩子是人工喂养还是母乳喂养?大便的颜色与胆色素的代谢有关,有时与乳品内含糖量有关,只要孩子长肉,活泼就没关系。
Q: My baby 3 months, the doctor checked that “pediatric tongue is too short”, when do the most appropriate surgery? Jiaozuo Li Xin A: The surgery is very simple, the sooner the better. Otherwise it will affect the child’s language pronunciation. Q: 6-month-old baby premature school will affect leg type development? Zhang Wei, Xinjiang A: In general, the normal development of the baby, will be around 7 months, the bed railings will stand, and if the child himself Try to stand without having to stop, indicating that children develop well. However, if your child is weak, you must wait until your child is strong and when your child asks to stand, learn to stand up again. Otherwise, premature standing will have an impact on the child’s lower extremity. Q: My son 88 days, the stool is always green, which is why? Dalian Han Zhu A: I do not know your child is fed or breastfeeding? The color of the stool and bil pigment metabolism, and sometimes with dairy products containing sugar Related, as long as the children grow meat, lively does not matter.