一个小镇,他是中国医药史上重要的药材集散地,其连续举办的药材交易会已有600多年历史,在国内同南禹(河南禹州)北祁(河北安国)齐名,国外同英国的威斯他州·斯探索立奇类同, 历史上曾创造了到会客商十万人、成交额15亿元的辉煌业绩。这个小镇就是位于太行山南簏、河南辉县市的百泉,这个药交会就是中国百泉药交会。然而,从上世纪90年代中期开始,由于市场宏观背景的变化和自身运做机制的问题,百泉药交会出现了持续滑坡现象,甚至冷清到只有数千人到会, 交易也大多是本地、本省间的一些客商!数百年形成的药都品牌、数千年积淀的药都文化面临严峻的挑战!为了重振药都雄风,去年以来,河南省政协委员、辉县市政协副主席、中国百泉药都董事长郭新富率先抗起复兴大旗,踏上了振兴药都品牌、传承药都文明的征程。有人说,这条前景看似光明的复兴路,也是条荆棘丛生的不归路。从本期开始,《健康中国》编辑部将组织有关中国百泉药都和中国百泉药交会的系列报道,和读者朋友一道关注郭新富和他们的药都复兴计划。
A small town, he is the history of Chinese medicine is an important center for the distribution of medicinal herbs, the continuous medicine trade fair has been 600 years of history in the country with the South Yu (Henan Yuzhou) North Qi (Hebei Anguo) par, foreign with the British Granville Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka to explore similarities, history has created a merchant to reach 100,000 people, a turnover of 1.5 billion brilliant achievements. This town is located in the Taihang Mountains Nanxun, Huixian City, Baiquan, Henan Province, the drug is the intersection of Chinese medicine Baiquan drug. However, from the mid-90s of the last century, due to the changes in the macro-market background and the problems of its own transport mechanism, the Baiquan Pharmacy Complex experienced a sustained decline in landscaping. Even the deserted areas were dominated by thousands of people and the transactions were mostly local. Some merchants across the province! For centuries formed of the drug brand, thousands of years of accumulation of the drug culture are facing severe challenges! In order to revive the drug tycoon, since last year, CPPCC Henan Province, Huixian City CPPCC Vice Chairman, China’s Baiquan drug chairman Guo Xinyu took the lead anti-revival banner, embarked on the revitalization of medicine are brand, heritage medicine are civilized journey. Some people say that this seemingly bright Fuxing Road prospect is also a thorny road of no return. Starting from this issue, Health China will organize a series of reports on the cooperation between China’s Baiquan Drugs and China’s Baiquan Drugs Association, and readers’ friends on the revitalization plan of Guo Xinfu and their drugs.