中国煤炭学会选煤专业委员会’99选煤学术会于 1 999年 1 2月 2 3~ 2 4日在北京召开。参加这次会议的有科研、设计、院校、生产和管理部门的委员及有关方面的专家领导 ,以及选煤书刊、出版单位的代表共 53人。会议由郝凤印主任委员主持。会议主题是结合当前煤炭与选煤发展形势
China Coal Institute of Coal Preparation ’99 Coal Preparation Symposium on January 12, January 23 2-3 held in Beijing. Attending the meeting were members of scientific research, design, institutions, production and management departments and relevant experts and leaders, and a total of 53 representatives of coal preparation and publishing units. The meeting was presided over by Hao Feng Yin chairman. The theme of the conference is to combine the current situation of coal and coal preparation