Characterization of the Elastic-plastic Region Based on Magnetic Memory Effect

来源 :Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:coolfish150
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Detecting stress concentration, especially critical stress state leading to structure damage or failure, is one of the most important tasks of equipment diagnosis. Metal magnetic memory technique needs further research to evaluate stress concentration quantitatively due to ambiguous physical mechanism, though it has potential to detect early defects in ferromagnetic materials. Mild Q235 steel defective specimens in demagnetization state were loaded in tension up to visible necking, with magnetic memory signals measurement made at increasing stress levels. Magnetic signals varied greatly under first several loadings and subsequently tended to stability in the elastic region, which showed that the magnetization always approaches the anhysteretic magnetization curve and was explained by the theory of magnetomechanical effect. In the plastic stage, an abnormal wave occurred in the stress concentration zone and its height value was sensitive to plastic deformation levels and dependent on the distance between the probe and defect, in accordance with the simulation results based on the magnetic dipole model. Different magnetic signal characteristics in the elastic-plastic region indicate that the magnetic memory technique can identify macroyielding and early damage, which is of profound significance for ensuring safe operation of equipment in service. Detecting stress concentration, particularly one of the most important tasks of equipment diagnosis. Is magnetic flux technique needs further research to evaluate stress concentration quantitatively due to ambiguous physical mechanism, though it has potential to detect early defects in ferromagnetic materials. Mild Q235 steel defective specimens in demagnetization state were loaded in tension up to visible necking, with magnetic memory signals measured at increasing stress levels. Magnetic signalsized greatly under first several loadings and subsequently tended to stability in the elastic region, which showed that the magnetization always approaches the anhysteretic magnetization curve and was explained by the theory of magnetomechanical effect. In the plastic stage, an abnormal wave occurred in the stress concentration zone and its height value was sensitive to plastic deformation levels and dependent on th e distance between the probe and defect, in accordance with the simulation results based on the magnetic dipole model. different magnetic signal characteristics in the elastic-plastic region indicate that the magnetic memory technique can identify macro field and early damage, which is a profound significance for ensure safe operation of equipment in service.
1451年,克里斯托弗?哥伦布在意大利港口城市热那亚呱呱坠地。谁也无法预料,这个小作坊主的儿子若干年后会以著名航海家、地理大发现的先驱者彪炳史册。更让人诧异的是,这一系列成就的拐点几乎都与偶然和错误关联。  1  小作坊主父亲不能给幼小的哥伦布带来正规教育,倒是对哥伦布在纺织作坊里忙进忙出颇为欣慰。这个小小的学徒和帮工对着那些机器和工具拆卸安装,敲敲打打,十分沉迷。没过两年,小哥伦布在父亲的眼里已
一轮红日高挂天空,祥云萦绕,仙鹤翱翔,苍松古朴,仿佛置身于仙境之中,有一种富贵之气扑面而来。整个画面以青绿颜色为主,红日、白云、金色朝霞,充满了朝气和活力,气韵生动。这便是青绿山水画派画家吉人的《旭日东升图》。记者在他北京紫云居的住宅中有幸看到了这样一幅优美画作,令人浮想联翩。  见到吉人本人,人如其名,慈眉善目,吉人天相。  谈起青绿山水画,可追溯上千年历史,和工笔花鸟画一样,它深受历代皇帝的喜
1996年10月,江西省鄱阳县鸦鹊湖农场卫生院院长、共产党员李来顺因患尿毒症,几乎丧命。后来经过他自己的探索治疗,虽然捡回了一条命,但是成了每天要靠药物维持生命的慢性肾衰者,俗称“半条命的人”。  农场领导出于关怀,让李来顺提前退休,以便休养和治疗。谁知心里时刻装着病人的李来顺,此时不是想着自己疾病的痛苦,而是脑海里常常浮现出百姓面对“看病贵、看病难”显露的愁容。“‘看病贵、看病难’被农民称之为新