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2005年是全区村级党组织委员会和第四届村民委员会换届选举年。自治区党委、政府对搞好今年村级“两委”换届选举工作高度重视,自治区党委书记曹伯纯、副书记刘奇葆分别作了重要指示。2005年4月下旬,自治区党委组织部、自治区民政厅召开会议对换届选举工作进行了动员部署。为及时总结、交流、推广各地村级“两委”换届选举工作的好做法和好经验,本期编发我区村级“两委”换届选举工作的经验做法和理论文章,旨在促进各市县相互交流,相互借鉴,共同搞好村级“两委”换届选举工作。 The year 2005 marks the election of the village party committees and the fourth village committee of the entire district. The party committees and governments in the autonomous regions attach great importance to the work of electing the “two committees” at the village level this year. Cao Bochun, secretary of the party committee of the autonomous region, and Liu Qibao, deputy secretary, have given important instructions respectively. In late April 2005, the organizing committee of the party committee of the autonomous region and the civil administration office of the autonomous region held a meeting to mobilize and deploy the general election. In order to timely summarize, exchange and popularize the good practices and good experiences of the election of “two committees” at the village level throughout the country, we hereby compile the experience and theoretical articles on the general election of the village committees at the district level in this issue, Exchange views and learn from each other so as to jointly improve the election of village “two committees” for general election.
某电厂输煤系统汽车卸煤线工程 :通过汽车来煤进入受煤站、转运站 ,一部分由地下廊道及栈桥至转运站、煤场 ,另一部分由地下廊道及栈桥至转运站、碎煤机室、主厂房。工程特点
确定基底尺寸的传统方法需经过多次试算 ,较为繁琐 ,特别是偏心受压基础此问题尤为突出。我们经过推导 ,得到了计算基底尺寸的简化方法 ,现介绍给大家 ,请各位多多指正。1 
曹用平  名庸,字正衡,江苏南通人。十七岁移居上海,投缶翁亲授弟子国画大师王个簃先生之门,为吴昌硕画派第三代传人。工画花卉蔬果,兼及金石书法,所作师法自然,笔墨精练,气势飞动,涵蕴隽永,新意盎然,尤擅画紫藤,有“曹紫藤”之美誉。系上海美术家协会会员,历任上海市文史研究馆馆员、西泠印社社员、复旦大学上海医学院客座教授、上海吴昌硕纪念馆副馆长、个簃艺术馆顾问、南通市书法国画研究院顾问、通州市书画院名誉
本文结合传统陶瓷粉彩装饰手段存在的不足以及当代陶瓷粉彩发展装饰手段的发展方向两方面进行研究,突出陶瓷粉彩装饰方法在其发展过程中的重要作用。 In this paper, the tr