Since Wittmack (1907) adopted tissue biopsy to observe the acoustic damage of the inner ear, many authors at home and abroad have conducted a large number of clinical observations and experimental studies (Eicken, 1909; Hoe-sshi, 1912; 1914; Rödi, 1947; One equal, 1964). However, due to the low resolving power of light microscope, we can only see the disappearance of hair cells, Deiters’ cells, spiral nerve fibers and the like, and the serious damage such as the collapse of the entire Coriolis. It is difficult to find the early lesions of Coriolis sound damage. In 1953 Engstr (?) M and Wers (?) Ll first observed by electron microscopy Guinea pig outer Corti hair cells, supporting the ultrastructure of the cells and nerve endings,