古代的军服大多华丽美观,多以红色为主要色调。心理学家通过实验证明:红色可使人肾上腺素分泌增多,心跳加快,精神振奋,是最富有攻击性和挑战性的色彩。同时红色也带有掩饰受伤流血的实用价值,所以,在很长一个时期,红色一直是各国军服的首选颜色。 19世纪末20世纪初,英帝国主义发动了对南非的侵略战争。当时,南非有一个叫“布尔”的民族,不甘心自己的国土受到外来侵略者的蹂躏,组织起来进行武装抵抗。布尔参战的兵力少,英军人多,双方兵力对
Most of the ancient military uniform gorgeous appearance, mostly red as the main color. Psychologists have proved through experiments: Red can make the adrenaline secretion increased, rapid heartbeat, uplifting, is the most offensive and challenging color. At the same time, the red color also has the practical value of covering up the wounds of bloodshed. Therefore, for a long time, red has always been the preferred color of military uniforms in various countries. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, British imperialism launched a war of aggression against South Africa. At that time, South Africa had a nation called “Boolean” who could not be reconciled to the devastation of its own territory by foreign invaders and was organized to carry out armed resistance. Boolean warfare less troops, more British troops, both troops