每当贝妮·芬博格照镜子时,她总是闷闷不乐:松弛的脸颊、下垂的眼皮和火鸡脖子,使她看上去比实际年龄要大得多。曾经风姿绰约的她,现在已面目全非了。 1985年11月,纽约大学医学中心的整形外科医生菲利普·卡松为芬博格做了四个半小时的手术,他为她施行了面部整形、修复下垂眼皮、去掉脖子上的多余脂肪和抚平皱纹等手术,结果使她看上去年轻了十几岁。一位37岁的出版商由于患了癌症,医生不得不把他的下巴切掉了一大半,使他的下巴变成了一
Whenever Beni Finnberg looks in the mirror, she is always depressed: her cheeks, drooping eyelids and turkey neck make her look a lot bigger than she is. She has grace, she has now completely beyond recognition. In 1985 November, New York University Medical Center plastic surgeon Phillip Cassie for Finnbog four and a half hours of surgery, he performed facial plastic surgery, repair drooping eyelids, remove excess fat and the neck Flat wrinkles and other surgery, the result makes her look young and teens. A 37-year-old publisher had cancer and doctors had to cut most of his chin and make his chin a