
来源 :红外与激光工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:emulate
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提出了一种采用加窗傅里叶变换的新型信号处理方法,用于提取基于白光光谱干涉相位型表面等离子体共振系统中的相位信息。首先,详尽阐述了这种提取相位信息算法的基本原理;其次,分析了算法中影响精度的几项主要参数,如窗口宽度、采样频率、阈值等,分析表明,只有选取恰当的参数才能得到理想的探测精度;最后,根据实际算取的光谱相位差值得出实际探测精度为3.894×10-7RIU(折射率单位)。与之相对应的理论探测精度为3.905×10-7RIU。理论精度和实验精度误差为0.28%。可以看出,这种算法具有很高的精度。另外,这种算法还具有简单、易与其他数值分析方法结合的优点。 A new signal processing method based on the windowed Fourier transform is proposed to extract the phase information based on the white-light spectral interference phase-type surface plasmon resonance system. First of all, the basic principle of extracting phase information algorithm is expounded in detail. Secondly, several main parameters influencing the accuracy of the algorithm are analyzed, such as window width, sampling frequency and threshold. The analysis shows that only the proper parameters can be selected to get the ideal Finally, the actual detection accuracy is 3.894 × 10-7 RIU (refractive index unit) based on the actual calculated spectral phase difference. Corresponding to the theoretical detection accuracy of 3.905 × 10-7RIU. The theoretical accuracy and experimental accuracy error is 0.28%. It can be seen that this algorithm has high accuracy. In addition, this algorithm has the advantages of being simple and easy to combine with other numerical analysis methods.
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