海湾地区储油量到底有多丰富?在回答这个问题前,让我们先听一个笑话吧!有人曾在沙特阿拉伯茫茫沙漠里打井找水,然而,每打一口井,井里冒出的不是水而是石油。也有人夸张地说:在海湾地区的沙地上,筷子插进去就会冒出油来。然而,实际的情况如何呢? 据勘探结果表明,海湾地区石油蕴藏量确实极为丰富,那里犹如一个很大的油海,遍及海湾沿岸沙特阿拉伯、阿联酋、阿曼、科威特、巴林、卡塔尔、伊拉克、伊朗8个国家。2000年,海湾地区总探明储量为6680亿桶,约占全球探明总储量的65.7%。其中沙特阿拉伯石油储量2865亿桶,占世界总储量的1/4以上,居世界第
Before we answer this question, let us first listen to a joke! Someone once made wells in the vast desert of Saudi Arabia to find water. However, every time a well is drilled, the wells are not ejected Water but oil. It is also exaggerated to say that in the sand of the Gulf area, chopsticks are inserted into the oil. However, what is the actual situation? According to the exploration results, the oil reserves in the Gulf region are indeed extremely rich. There is a huge oil sea all over the Gulf coasts of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Iraq, Iran 8 countries. In 2000, the total proven reserves in the Gulf region was 668 billion barrels, accounting for about 65.7% of the world’s total proven reserves. Of which, Saudi Arabian oil reserves stood at 286.5 billion barrels, accounting for more than a quarter of the world’s total reserves, ranking the first in the world