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鱼病的防治应本着以预防为主,防重于治的方针。综合预防是根据各种养殖鱼类的生活习性和生长规律,以及鱼病发生和发展规律,坚持以药物预防和生态预防相结合,防止鱼病的发生,抑制鱼病的发展。下面结合实际,谈谈鱼病综合预防技术。一、调整放养结构提早放养,池塘养鱼的主要特点是多品种、多规格混养、轮养,发病主要对象是草、鲫、青鱼等吃食鱼,发病期主要在成鱼阶段。依据上述特点:1.适当调整养殖品种结构利用杂食鱼清除残饵、肥水鱼净化水质的功能,调整吃食鱼、杂食鱼的放养比例。2.改放小规格为放大规格鱼种鱼种放养时,选择规格大,体质健壮,鳞片无损,抗病 The prevention and treatment of fish diseases should be based on the principle of prevention and prevention and cure. Comprehensive prevention is based on the living habits and growth patterns of various farmed fish, as well as the occurrence and development of fish diseases, insisting on the combination of drug prevention and ecological prevention, preventing the occurrence of fish diseases and inhibiting the development of fish diseases. The following combination of reality, talk about the comprehensive prevention of fish disease technology. First, adjust the stocking structure Early stocking, the main characteristics of pond fish is multi-species, multi-format polyculture, wheel rearing, the main pathogenesis of grass, crucian carp, black carp and other eating fish, the onset of the main stage in the adult fish. Based on the above characteristics: 1. Adjust the structure of cultured breeds properly Use of omnivorous fish to remove residual bait, the function of fat fish to purify water, and adjust the stocking ratio of eating fish and omnivorous fish. 2. Change the small size To enlarge the size of species of fish stocking, the choice of specifications, robust physique, scales nondestructive, disease-resistant
阳光却能带来音乐,第一缕阳光倾泻,像金色琴弦闪烁。 The sun can bring music. The first sun shines like a golden string.
(一) 故障现象我段东风_4型0077号内燃机车,在一次运行途中突然接地继电器DJ动作吸合,柴油机卸载。乘务员立即采取措施:将接地开关DK搬至负端位,推开DJ解锁杆走车试验,利用
收到你寄来的枫叶是在阳光很好的冬季一段关于友情的故事便从北国演绎到南国 The Maple Leaf you received from us was in a very sunny winter. A story about friendship
(六) 我国应用机油光谱分析方法诊断内燃机车柴油机技术状态试验情况我国铁路近几年才开始试验应用机油光谱分析方法,来诊断内燃机车柴油机的技术状态。目前,郑州机务南段、