前段时间股市大调整,真可谓股股不振,人人自危。有好事者编了个顺口溜: 跌了快一年了。中/」、散户赔惨了。机构都不能幸免了。新发行股票卖不完了。券商包销余股搭血本了。打算上市的企业不太敢了。谈到股市暴跌的原因,更是五花八门,各有各的道理:说国有股减持者有之,说宏观经济不景气者有之说银行清理违规资金者有之,说机构投资者联手砸盘者有之……记者在没遇到徐宏源之前,对这些看法深表赞同,与
Large adjustment of the stock market some time ago, it really is the stock market slump, everyone is at risk. A good person who compiled a jingle: fell almost a year. Chinese / ", retail investors miserable. Institutions are not spared. New issue of shares can not be sold. Brokerage brokerage stocks take the blood of this. Not going to go public companies dare. When it comes to the stock market crash, it is all-encompassing, with its own truths. It states that state-owned share holders have said that in the macroeconomic downturn, banks have said that those with illicit funds have cleared liquidity, There ... ... Reporters did not encounter Xu Hongyuan before, agree with these views, and