一个国家如何使游客产生宾至如归之感?如果有人问我这个问题,我首先要讲讲这个国家殷勤好客的人民,然后再谈谈她那旖旎的风光,良好的住宿条件和旅游设施。这是因为,没有殷勤好客的人民,旅游只不过是一种机械的运动。社会的现代化,使我们可以轻而易举地游遍任何一个国家。我们可以从自动售货机获取食物和饮料、汽车旅馆钥匙、飞机和火车票、旅行保险单和零钱。但是,难道这就是我们旅行的目的吗?如果没有一个热情友好的环境,听不到殷勤好客的话语,我们能心情舒畅吗? 在瑞士,古朴的客栈招牌就是我国人民殷勤好客的象征。只要城镇乡村里的客栈招牌仍然高高挂
How can a country make tourists feel at home? If anyone asks me this question, I will first talk about the hospitality of the country’s people and then talk about her charming scenery, good accommodation and tourist facilities. This is because, without the hospitality of the people, tourism is nothing more than a mechanical movement. The modernization of society allows us to travel easily to any country. We can get food and beverage, vending machine keys, plane and train tickets, vending machines and change from vending machines. But is this the purpose of our travel? Can we feel comfortable without a warm and friendly environment and without hospitable words? In Switzerland, the ancient inn signage is a symbol of the hospitality of our people. As long as the towns and villages in the inn sign is still high