一、引言 Bates和Comer最先利用一级碳复型对粘土矿物进行了电子显微镜研究,效果很好。然而,由于他们采用了方向相互垂直的双重铂投影,以及利用聚苯乙烯固定碳膜,使得制样手续繁杂。Грицаенко等人对Bates和Comer的方法做了简化:不用双重铂投
I. INTRODUCTION Bates and Comer were the first to make good use of C-type clay on electron microscopy. However, the sample preparation process is complicated by the fact that they employ dual platinum projections that are perpendicular to each other, and the use of polystyrene to fix the carbon film. Грицаенко et al. Simplify Bates and Comer’s approach: no double platinum cast