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媒体融合,在历经几年发展之后已经呈现出不同样态和明显分化,大致可概括为:纸媒融合快于广电,大台融合好于小台,央媒融合优于地方。那么,在融合大趋势下,地方广电该怎样走好自己的深度融合之路呢?一、当务之急是强化意识加大深度融合推进力度地方广电近年来积极推动传统媒体和新兴媒体融合发展,以提升新闻产品生产能力为基础,以巩固和拓展主流媒体舆论阵地为目标,着力打造新型主流媒体。以金华广电总台为例,2015年10月成立媒体融合中 After several years of development, the media integration has shown a different pattern and obvious differentiation. It can be roughly summed up as follows: the merger of paper and media is faster than that of radio and television; the integration of Taiwan and Taiwan is better than that of Taiwan; the convergence of the central media is better than that of local media. So, in the convergence of the trend, the local radio and television how to take their own deep integration of the road it? First, the immediate priority is to strengthen the awareness of deepening the integration of local radio and television in recent years, actively promote the traditional media and emerging media integration and development in order to enhance News products based on production capacity to consolidate and expand the mainstream media positions as the goal, strive to create a new type of mainstream media. Taking Jinhua Broadcasting and TV Station as an example, the media integration was established in October 2015
在分析了松软巷道围岩破坏特征的基础上 ,证明锚固力的作用在于提高巷道周边破裂围岩的残余强度 ,并使之形成组合拱。探讨了锚固体强度和承载能力的理论计算问题。据此提出了