The new media context has had a tremendous influence on the production, dissemination, consumption and aesthetic values of literature, among many others. One of them is the appearance of “pan-style” phenomena, which are followed by “roaring bodies” , “Taobao”, “Yuan Fang”, “Zhen Huan body” and so on. The various styles of ebb and flow of the ebb and flow of the ebb and flow of the ebb and flow of the ebb and flow of the ebb and flow of the ebb and flow of the ebb and flow of the ebb “The Subtleness of Narration” and other characteristics. Its prevalence is the impact of many factors such as technology, media, culture, psychology and style. As a new cultural and stylistic phenomenon, the value and significance of “pan-style” tide should not be overshadowed by the moment, but the necessary introspection, self-discipline and other laws are also indispensable.