
来源 :初中生学习(English阅读新概念) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:macg27
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Date of Birth出生日期:June 11th,1986.1986年6月11日Place of Birth出生地点:California加力福尼亚Height身高:179cm 179厘米Born Shia Saide LaBeouf on June 11,1986,in Los Angeles,CA,LaBeouf was raised by his performer parents in the working class neighborhood of Echo Park.The stage gene was clearly passed from parents to son at birth,as LaBeouf began performing stand-up at local clubs while still in grade school all in a means of assisting his cash-strapped family.The acting bug bit harder when LaBeouf saw a friend on an episode of the family series,Dr.Quinn,Medicine Woman(CBS,1993-1998) a pivotal moment which strengthened his resolve to pursue acting as a means of satisfying both his need to financially help his family and his desire to perform. Date of Birth Birth Date: June 11th, 1986. June 11, 1986 Place of Birth Place of Birth: California California Height Height: 179cm 179cm Born Shia Saide LaBeouf on June 11, 1986, in Los Angeles, CA, LaBeouf Was raised by his performer parents in the working class neighborhood of Echo Park.The stage gene was clearly passed from parents to son at birth,as LaBeouf gradually performing stand-up at local clubs while still in grade school all in a means of assisting his Cash-strapped family.The acting bug bit harder when LaBeouf saw a friend on an episode of the family series,Dr.Quinn,Mechanine Woman(CBS,1993-1998) a pivotal moment whichimproved his resolve to sought acting as a means of Satisfying both his need to financially help his family and his desire to perform.
心中有理想,就能在广阔的蓝天中飞翔。——题记太阳刚从东边升起,温暖的阳光照射在身上,新的一天又来了。躺在毛毯里,做一个深呼吸,然后“呀”地一声轻叫,坐了起来。 With i
1937年全面抗战爆发后,国共实现第二次合作,中国工农红军第一、第二、第四方面军和陕北红军等红军主力部队,被改编为国民革命军第八路军,下辖115师、120师、129师和总部特务团。  第八路军原为粤军李济深的部队番号,1929年3月整编为第八路军。后蒋介石为了拆散粤桂联盟,将李济深骗至南京汤山囚禁,又于次年4月将该路军解散。而115、120、129三个师的番号,原先是东北军的。1937年4月至6月
曾有一位哲人说过:“哲学是智慧的学问。学懂了哲学,脑子就灵,眼睛就亮,办法就多;不管什么时候、干什么工作都会给你方向、给你思路、给你办法。” A philosopher once said
今天的建筑设计师不但是城市的建设者,也是规划者。他的方案决定建筑的命运也影响了城市的未来。从这点看,英国及许多欧美国家的建筑师比中国早走了很多 Today’s architect
秋天的颜色,是枯黄,更是金黄。拜别恩师,离开母校,告别童年。秋天伴着我的思绪迈着缓缓的、轻悄悄的脚步降临。此时已是深秋,洋槐树上仍有那些许绿色,固执而伶仃地挂 The co
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