校长应该自信乐观、意志坚强、豁达大度、冷静自制;只有具备这些良好的心理素质,才能带领好全体师生,深入进行教育教学改革,并不断取得新的成果。 自信乐观,充满热情 改革开放,给教育带采了生机,带来了活力。但是也不可避免地给教育带来了新的问题:市场经济的负面效应给独生子女的教育带来了新的难题;出国热、下海潮,影响了教师队伍的稳定;新的教育体制确立以后,校长又要对部分经费的来源负一定的责任。因此在新的形势下,校长既要按教育规律搞好
Only with these good psychological qualities can the principals be confident and optimistic, strong-willed, open-minded and self-restrained. Only through these good psychological qualifications can they lead all teachers and students in-depth and carry out further reforms in education and teaching and continuously make new achievements. Confident and optimistic, full of enthusiasm, reform and opening up brought vitality to the education zone and brought vitality. However, it inevitably brings new problems to education: the negative effect of the market economy has brought new challenges to the education of only-child children; the overseas education boom and the tide of the sea have affected the stability of the contingent of teachers; and after the establishment of the new education system , The principal must bear some responsibility for the source of part of the funding. Therefore, under the new situation, principals should do well according to the laws of education