新春伊始,在我国城市经济体制改革取得初步成效,并向纵深发展的时候,欣闻《国外水产科技消息》杂志改名为《现代渔业信息》,请允许我借此机会,表示热烈的祝贺,并向编辑工作人员和广大读者致以新春的问候! 我国海域辽阔,海洋渔业历史悠久,经过三十多年的努力,已初步形成了一个海洋工业捕捞体系。但又应看到,由于长期处于对外封闭,对国外渔业发展缺乏了解和交流的情况下,我国的现代渔业起步晚、发展
At the beginning of the new year, when the reform of the urban economic system in our country achieved initial success and the development was further in depth, we heard that the magazine Foreign Aquatic Science and Technology News was renamed as “Modern Fishery Information.” Let me take this opportunity to extend my warm congratulation and Thanks to the editorial staff and readers for the Chinese New Year greetings! With a vast sea area and a long history of marine fisheries, after 30 years of hard work, a marine industrial fishing system has been initially formed. However, it should be noted that due to the long time of being closed to the outside world and the lack of understanding and exchange on the development of foreign fisheries, China’s modern fishery started late and developed