
来源 :中国卫生事业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pollyzhang15
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去年底,天津市卫生局召开了全行业的“贯彻三中全会精神,抓好治理整顿卫生工作动员大会”。参加会议的有市区县卫生局长、各医院、卫生院院长、工矿企业、驻津部队医院领导及有关职能科室负责人共1200余人。天津市领导钱其(土敖)副市长、人大副主任范权和白桦同志,及有关部委的负责同志参加了会议。市卫生局乔懋彬局长在会上作了动员报告。他指出,当前卫生行业在治理整顿中突出需要解决的问题是:“经济秩序中的一些混乱现象、吃请受礼的职业道德滑坡现象和医疗秩序上的一些混乱现象”。他说,这些混乱现象影响了社会情绪,不利于社会安定团结;是社会 At the end of last year, the Tianjin Municipal Health Bureau held an industry-wide “implementation of the spirit of the Third Plenary Session and a good mobilization meeting for the rectification of health work”. At the meeting, there were more than 1,200 people from the district and county health bureaus, hospitals, heads of hospitals, industrial and mining companies, leaders of troops stationed in Tianjin military units and relevant functional departments. The Tianjin municipal leaders Qian Qi (Bouti) deputy mayor, deputy directors of National People’s Congress Fan Quan and Bai Hua, and responsible comrades of relevant ministries and commissions attended the meeting. The Secretary of the Municipal Health Bureau, Qiao Jibin, made a mobilization report at the meeting. He pointed out that the current problems that need to be solved in the health industry in highlighting governance and rectification are: “some confusion in the economic order, the downfall of professional morality in eating and receiving gifts, and some confusion in the medical order.” He said that these chaotic phenomena have affected social emotions and are not conducive to social stability and unity; they are social
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