“民人以食为天”,这句话出自《史记·郦生传》。把老百姓的吃饭问题比做“天”,是因为千百年来吃饭问题一直是困扰着我们这个泱泱大国的严重关切的问题。过去历朝历代的统治者,都曾为解决这个问题绞尽脑汁,耗竭心血,变法布革,终未果。新中国成立后,特别是经过改革开放,生产力大解放,经济大发展,使我国创造了用世界上7%的耕地,养活了世界22%的人口的伟大奇迹,终于基本解决了广大人民群众赖以生存的温饱问题。 温饱问题的解决,只是维持生命的底线需求,要达到广大人民群众梦寐以求的健康和长寿的向往,必须提高摄取食物的质量。换句话说,就是要讲究营养。食物的营养是人的身体和智力生长发育的物质基础。用一句高度概括的话说:“健康长
“Food for the people of the people”, this sentence from the “Biographies of Shi Ji.” It is because the issue of eating for thousands of years has always plagued the gravest concern of our great power, our great power, that the common people’s problem of eating is “heavenly”. The rulers of the past dynasties of the past have all racked their brains to solve this problem, exhausting their efforts and reforming the law and eventually failed. After the founding of new China, especially through the reform and opening up, the great liberation of productive forces and the great economic development have enabled our country to create a great miracle that uses 7% of the world’s cultivated land and feeds 22% of the world’s population. At last, it basically solved the problem of the masses To survive the problem of adequate food and clothing. The solution to the problem of adequate food and clothing is only to meet the needs of the bottom line of life. To achieve the desired long-term health and longevity desired by the broad masses of people, the quality of food intake must be enhanced. In other words, pay attention to nutrition. Food nutrition is the material basis for the growth and development of the human body and intelligence. In a highly generalized phrase: "Good health