二次大战结束以来,美国国民经费迅猛增长,跃为各国前列,在这同时:美国的医疗保健事业也有了很大发展。1950~1987年37年间,全国医疗费用支出由127亿增长到1987年的预计4400亿美元,增长了34倍,医疗费用占国民生产总值的比例,由1950年4.4%提高到1985年的11%左右,卫生服务、医疗技术发展很快,人民健康水平有显著提高。显然,美国的医疗保健事业可以说是“有功劳”的。但是,美国一些有识之士也清楚看到:一股不祥之风正日益威胁着美国医疗事业,它所面临的重重困难已引起人们的批评。其中,医疗费用猛涨、开支浩大已成为最突出的问题。预计1990年医疗费用占GNP 的比例为12%。1985年美国经济增长速度为4.6%,而医疗费用增长却高达9.4%。巨
Since the end of the Second World War, the national funding of the United States has grown rapidly and has leapt to the top of the nation. At the same time, the U.S. healthcare industry has also seen great development. During the 37 years from 1950 to 1987, the nation’s medical expenses increased from 12.7 billion to an estimated 440 billion U.S. dollars in 1987, an increase of 34 times, and the ratio of medical expenses to GDP increased from 4.4% in 1950 to 11 in 1985. Around %, health services and medical technology have developed rapidly, and people’s health has improved significantly. Obviously, the U.S. health care industry can be said to have “achievement.” However, some insightful people in the United States also clearly saw that an ominous wind is increasingly threatening the U.S. medical industry. The difficulties it has faced have caused criticism. Among them, medical expenses have skyrocketed and expenses have become the most prominent issue. It is estimated that the proportion of medical expenses in GNP in 1990 is 12%. In 1985, the U.S. economy grew at a rate of 4.6%, while medical expenses increased by 9.4%. huge