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“四一三”医疗保险模式是在客观总结国务院“两江”医改试点经验、教训的基础上,吸取武汉市商业职工医院“保险医疗”和美国的HMO等多种医保模式的优点,提出的一种医疗保险新模式。后又经几年实践,提出了与“四一三”医保模式相适应的“大小多少”医保配套措施。1“四一三”模 The “411” medical insurance model is based on the objective summary of the experiences and lessons learned from the “Two Rivers” medical reform pilot project of the State Council, and draws on the advantages of the “medical insurance” of the Wuhan Commercial Workers Hospital and HMO and other medical insurance modes in the United States A new model of medical insurance. After several years of practice, it proposed “matching medical insurance mode” and “matching the size of” medical insurance. 1 “four one three” model
Louis Cha, known as Jin Yong to millions of readers, enjoys a huge reputation as a kongfu novelist. His blockbuster novels as well as TV series adapted from his
The 27-year-old Caroline Watson graduated with a brilliant future for acting. Her major was drama. And she had been an excellent performer since her preteen yea
五年前,一曲荡气回肠的《泰坦尼克号》主题歌《我心依旧》,把席琳·迪昂推上了国际歌坛巨星的宝座,仅歌碟就售出1.2亿张。  她见好就收,想圆做母亲的梦。就在她憧憬着幸福美好的家庭生活时,亲手栽培她的丈夫雷内·安吉利尔却患了恶性肿瘤。面对突如其来的灾难,席琳·迪昂没有被吓倒。她把一个妻子所有的关爱都给了丈夫。在她的鼓励和帮助下,雷内勇敢地和病魔斗争,于1999年3月30日动了手术,身体恢复得非常好。2
中央电视台“关于普京总统访华的焦点访谈”节目中,一位留着短发、面目清秀的北京女孩颇为引人注目,她就是北京35中学高二(1)班班长、《中华小记者》杂志社小记者李晶。 One