我1979年从事档案工作,开始在兰台园地里辛勤耕耘,默默流汗,终日与兰台古纸为伴。弹指一挥间,不知不觉已走过了ZO个春秋。回顾这二十年的兰台生涯,我不后悔,没怨言,有的只是对档案工作的一份挚爱和一种挥不去、斩不断的情丝。 刚走上档案工作岗位时,面对一堆堆泛
I engaged in archives work in 1979, began to work hard in the Lantai field, silently sweating, all day and Lan Tai ancient paper companion. Flicking, unconsciously has gone through ZO a spring and autumn. Looking back on these two decades of Lantai career, I do not regret it, I did not complain, but I have only a love of archive work and a flirtatious and endless love affair. Just walked on the file job, facing a pile pan